Welcome to Healthness

Health, Wellness and freedom of movement

Healthness offers Chiropractic and Holistic Health services in Turramurra. We focus on the overall view of your health and wellness rather than just focusing on and attending to symptoms of pain. At Healthness, we believe that prevention is better than the cure and though while treatment may be required, education about how your body moves and about what else might be going on with your body is an important part of our service.


Healthness is about providing you with measures to ensure you are healthy and are moving in the right direction so you are less likely to encounter problems or symptoms such as pain, decreased motion, sickness or disease.

If you’re looking for a Chiropractor, or more, Healthness also offers Kinesiology, Remedial Massage, and Physical Modality Therapies.

Before any treatment is applied, you will be assessed and orthopedic tests will be used to determine whether you are appropriate for treatment or referral. Healthness Chiropractors are university qualified, registered with AHPRA and registered with all Health Funds.

If you have been looking for a Chiropractor on Sydney’s Upper North Shore, Healthness Pty. Ltd. is the Sydney Chiropractor for you. We will make sure that you feel like you matter. We are chiropractic professionals who are willing to help you gain health and wellness in your life.

Contact us now.

Fees for Chiropractor are:

Andrew Choy: BBA Macq, Dip.Remedial Massage, Dip.HealthSc (Holistic Kinesiology), Dip.Kinesiology, Post Grad. Dip.ChiroSc, Master of Chiropractic Science -Macquarie University-.